The Magic of Almond Blossoms | Newborn & Family Photography in Sacramento

Every year, for just two short weeks, almond orchards in Northern California come to life with soft, creamy white blooms—it’s a sight that never gets old! As a newborn, maternity, and family photographer based in Sacramento, California, I can confidently say that the almond blossoms are one of my absolute favorite times of the year […]

My Go-To Workflow for A Newborn Session

newborn session workflow

Hi Mama! I remember the newborn days so well! So I understand that the newborn session is during a really delicate time in your family’s life! These sessions are usually happening anywhere from 5-14 days after birth. It is my goal to make sure that the session flows as smoothly as possible. I want to […]

Self-Care at Newborn Sessions: How I Am Intentionally Structuring my Session Day Experience to Care for a Postpartum Mama’s Mental Health

Imagine waking up one week postpartum, the day of your newborn portraits, and you are personally really struggling. You’re super anxious, maybe experiencing sadness. (Hopefully this isn’t the case for you, but we all know this can be an experience for some mamas!) Now imagine you wake up with all this going on but today […]

Navigating Light: A Deep Dive into My Lighting Approach for In-Home Newborn Portraits

Hi mama! Let’s talk about in-home lighting for your newborn portraits. I’ll be the first to tell you, as a natural light photographer, that the single MOST IMPORTANT factor in quality newborn portraits in-home is the light ✨.  I’m less concerned with which exact room we’re in, and all about harnessing the beautiful natural light in […]

Simplifying the Experience: Why Providing Hair, Makeup, and Wardrobe Services Makes all the Difference

As a newborn photographer, I’ve worked with a LOT of newborn mamas in the early days of newborn life. And let me say – with postpartum recovery, around-the-clock newborn care, breastfeeding, taking care of toddler siblings, and navigating family dynamics, new mamas are absolute superheroes. Which is why I wanted to add these special services […]

Ensuring Newborn Safety: My Approach to Keeping Your Baby Secure

Hey there, mama! Trusting your newborn to someone else can feel like the last thing you want to spend your limited emotional energy on! I completely understand the unease that comes with it. Your baby’s safety is of utmost importance, and I want to share how I prioritize their well-being throughout the entire portrait experience. […]

My Must-Have Baby Registry Items 

You might know that I’m a mama of three kids, all six years old and under. I’ve been through the newborn stage three times in the last 6 years, so I know exactly how overwhelming it can be trying to figure out which baby items are essential for first-time parents. Back then, I relied heavily […]

Why a Newborn Photographer Makes All the Difference

Hi mama! Congrats on your little one on the way!! This is such a special time in life and seriously I already know it’s going by so fast. You’re probably busy researching photographers for this special moment and you might have several options in your mind. You could choose to hire the photographer from your […]

How to Prepare for a Smooth and Simple Newborn Session

Hi mama! You’re pregnant with a little cutie – congrats Mama! I see you getting ready to book your newborn session and I’m here to help!! As a Sacramento newborn photographer, here’s what I recommend to help your newborn session go smoothly, and to make life easier for you: Before the Session: 1. First, have […]

In-Home Newborn Portraits: How to Know if Your Home is the Best Location for Your Portraits

Hi mama,  As a Sacramento newborn photographer, I’ve photographed plenty of newborn sessions both in-home and in-studio, and I leave the location decision ultimately to you, the client! These are your photos and you get to choose the setting that will bring you the most joy!  In-home newborn sessions are simply lovely – there is […]

send me my guide

You have a lot on your plate already, Mama! Grab this free guide to make sure your portrait experience is smooth and simple. 

your checklist for newborn portraits

FREE GUIDE: 6 easy steps

free guide!

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